Moving timeline


The most important thing to be aware of when moving is that it is a process that requires preparation and planning. It is advisable to start planning your move as soon as you decide to change your place of residence. If you do not, you may face many difficulties and issues and the chances are that you may forget to do some of the crucial things. But, the good news is that, with a moving timeline, you will prevent that scenario from happening. By following all the steps, you will manage to have everything done on time and with the minimum stress level. In addition to that, you will be able to even enjoy every single step of your move.

Eight weeks before the move

It is always better to start the work as early as possible. When there are eight weeks left on your moving timeline, you should start separating things you will no longer need. For example, you can start with your attic and basement, since there are always things we keep ‘just in case’. Also, you should start looking for a moving company. First, ask the people you know whether they know a reliable one. You should notify your landlord, of course, if you have one, about the date of your move. In that way, he or she will know how to organize their time and be there to take the keys from you.

A man using laptop to create moving timeline
You should start looking for a moving company on time

On your moving timeline, there are six weeks left

Start sorting out your things, so that you will know what are the sizes of boxes you will need. In this way, you can save some space and make sure you have packed everything properly. Also, when you determine what things you no longer need, sell or give them away. Think of your relatives or neighbors and see who would need something you no longer do. You can also donate it to them. If you have children, notify their school about your moving. Also, make an arrangement with a new one, near your future home, but also make sure it is a good one. Additionally, contact your doctors, lawyers and other professionals in order to get the copies of your personal records. You will have to find new such professionals and it is better to provide them with all the paperwork.

phone to your children's school and cross that out on your moving timeline
At this point, you should notify your children’s school about your move and cross that out on your moving timeline

 Four weeks before the big day

Now is a fine time to notify all the important companies of your move. Try to remember all to whom you should send a notice, for example, to the post office, your bank etc. In this way, you can be sure there is no one you missed to notice about your move. Also, you can start packing some of your things. Think of all the things you will not need for a month and pack them. In addition to this, it is better to label them properly and put them somewhere where they will not disturb you in performing your daily duties. For example, if it is summer time, you can pack all your winter clothes, and vice versa. Just bear in mind that if you are moving to Ontario, for example, you will need more winter clothes, so it is better no to give them away.

A woman with a box on a yellow background keeping of her moving timeline
It is advisable to start packing items you will not need for a month

There are only two weeks left

You should start packing your remaining belongings. And, also, make sure you have labeled them properly since this can be of great help when unpacking. To make things even easier, alongside the labels, write the part of your home where the content of the box should be unpacked. When food is in question, you should only buy what is essential. Use up all that you have, especially food from the freezer. In this way, you will kill two birds with one stone. You will have less food to throw away and you will save some money. Also, think of how to pack your fragile things. You surely do not want some of them to break during the transport.

Food on a table (tomatoes, eggplant, paprika)
Use up as much food that you already have as you can

What to do a day before the move

Make sure that you have done everything from your moving timeline and packed everything. Plug out the freezer, so that it is in perfect condition for transport. Also, you can make some snacks since the moving day is usually a really long one. You will need something to keep you energized until you finish the unpacking. In addition to this, it is advisable to pack an essential kit. This is actually a bag with all the essentials you may need for one day, so it is better to have everything within a hand’s reach. On the other hand, if you are, for example, moving to Toronto or some other urban city, you do not have to worry about this. There are many stores that are at your disposal 24/7.

A bag in a front seat of a car
Keep your essentials near you

If you complete all these tasks from our moving timeline, you can be sure that your moving will go smoothly. You will have the time to perform all your duties apart from organizing your move. Of course, you need to be aware of the fact that there are many things you need to do. It is a difficult and challenging job, but by making a checklist of what you need to do everything will be much easier. In this way, you will be able to track the progress of the whole process and even if something unplanned comes up, you can easily handle it.

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